Sunday, March 4, 2007


Please, listen when you are told that everyone in the house has had a bad day!  MAKE THAT VISIT SHORT!

Mother got up weak and wobbly and had had a very quiet day slowly regaining her strength.  I had worried about her all day.

Jack had had a day of reactions to morphine,  and the usual lime and coke had not been totally helpful.  He was tired and sore and weary with the day.

We had visitors after seven in the evening and they stayed until after 9.  Mother usually goes to bed about 6 or a little after.  She decided to  "entertain" and that wound her up.

After a day hobbling around and doing quite a lot of house work, I was tired and my foot hurt.

They didn't listen to the: we have all had a bad day,etc.  They just parked and stayed.  They did help with a minor problem I was having and could have finished but they decided to stay and complete the project.  This put all of us off.

I love them dearly and they are helpful.....but people just don't realize some days are not good for staying for a long time.  In fact I try to never stay over 20 to 30 minutes at the most when checking on someone.  We had had a neighbor earlier in the day who came in to return a container and bring a sample of a new recipe, and she stood and chatted and sat a few minutes with my mother.  Brief but refreshing visit.

Evenings are the only times I have to relax and prepare to rest.  After running all day I need to wind down.  Visitors are certainly welcome but don't bring your sleeping bag!

Peace at Marigold Country Home!


Anonymous said...

:) it's because you're such friendly company.  It takes a bit longer sometimes for people to get the hint  when they're feeling cosy :) A wonderful poem, Kippling had a way with words. Rache

Anonymous said...

Amen! As Patti's cognitive symptoms progressed her social skills would become more abrupt. She saved us many such situations, by simply and suddenly telling guests "Good Bye! I'm tired and want to go to bed". <grin> I mastered the surprised but silently cheering look.