Monday, July 30, 2007

The beauty of each day...............

Into each day some rain must fall.....and it did shower last night.  It was our first for a while and it will be a bit muggy today.

But the sun will come up and brighten even the dullest of startings.  I am sure I will rue the day I started feeding the neighborhood strays but they offer their affection and playfulness for the small price of some food.

We have one little abandoned scrap of feminine feline fur......she is a Scrapper and she has managed to survive much in her brief life time.  I hope she will mature into a toe biting, cover hiding, rude awakening, snuggling bit of love for a companion.  We will see.

I thank God each morning for the day ahead and the challenges that will present themselves.  I am not always gracious for those bumps in the road but manage to get over them in some semblance of order.

It is with great HOPE.........

 that we will get some more time with aides and other help that I face this week.  I made several calls last week, and plan to follow up this week.  Mother has lifetime home care insurance, we just need to get it started finally.  As all things go.....the doctor didn't understand or just made a big boo boo that he apologized for and we hope will be corrected soon.  The agency that is doing the care is very cooperative and understandably want to give the care.  Now there will always be paper work!

Jack's pain level is increasing but his sense of humor is fine.   His help in letting me nap or sleep undisturbed is so appreciated.  He does all he possibly can for himself and sometimes goes without attention when I am snowed under.  But he doesn't complain.  We may have some home care for his leg wounds and that would be good, too.

This household finally has a couple of extra hours of help each week.  A neighbor who helped me with mother in the bathtub some time back will be coming each week to do some of the little house cleaning that goes  into the "sometime" category.

I keep making lists and they get longer then mysteriously get lost and I start new ones.   Priorities change and lose their importance, then new ones arise.

One of the things I am going to give myself this week is time to write letters catch up on paper work.  If only 30 minutes a day, I would remove a lot of things from my list! LOL

Peace to all from Marigold Country Home.   One of the things I am considering this year is informing all the people we have exchanged gifts with each year to eliminate that part of the Christmas preparations.  I don't  have time to shop and would like the holidays to mean something beside stress in that area.  I would like to entertain even but I think that might be out of the question by Christmas.

All of you.......have a wonderful week! Take time to smell that coffee brewing, look at the wildflowers, laugh at an animals antics, and hug someone you love!






Friday, July 20, 2007

It wasn't Friday the 13 but could have been~

Rushed over to see doctor this morning to talk to him about Mother.... I started to cry and he took me in and talked turkey to me and said some things I needed to hear.  He needs to see her and I have already made an appointment and will hope to get her there on Monday.

We got most of the bedding off of Mother's bed and washed, aired and put it all back..........that was a job that needed to be done and I haven't had the priviledge of doing that since I have been here.  She always gives me what to wash, etc., but she was happy with her clean, fluffy, and aired bed!

It would look like Scrapper has been adopted to a certain degree by another mother cat and her kitten, at least they were all together today and seemed happy.  I don't enjoy being a mother cat! LOL

I don't know if I have mentioned that the marigolds are big enough for the kittens to hide in........the ground below is damp and cool and the mother cats seems to think this is a great nursery for the young!

I am tired, the responsibilitiy of this household weighs heavily on my shoulders............and I think the doctor realized this when I talked to him this morning....he was a help!

Peace at Marigold Country Home!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Yesterday started out to be a good day....breakfast went well.

I suggested to mother she could bathe and put in fresh clothes to be ready for Dana, the aide's visit.  This is a one time a week, one hour respite for me.

There are so many things to do in the morning, Jack's legs need fresh dressings, and the wrappings put on, medications for everyone, the usual cleaning up, etc.  A phone call asked about mowing the yards, and I bravely said some on and do this place too, since I don't have the new mower yet and can't seem to keep up! ( the kid who mows, weedeat the barditches which were tall and killed a snake that came out of the water...eek!)

Mother wanted to get in the big bath tub in the master bathroom and she has been doing this from time to time.  I usually clean in that part of the house so I can be available if she needs me.  Well, yesterday she needed me.  She couldn't get out of the tub, I really think she had forgotten how to do this, and after several tries she was exhausted!

I tried to help her, then gave her a robe and called a neighbor, together we could not get mother to work with us to get her out.  Then we called a paramedic who lives two houses down and was picking up the neighbor's boy to work in the fields.  Not his day to be on the ambulance call. 

He knew just how to get mother to cooperate and he got her right up and she stepped out of the tub! Yea! He would not accept a gift and said put it in plate at church! (smiles)  The neighbor would not accept gift but said she would come back and help me clean house later that day. 

The type of cleaning I needed was the things she does best like take the light fixtures down and wash and replace, take things off the walls, clean and replace.  The kinds of things that take time and I just don't have that time.  During this lunch came and mother was hungry after her ordeal. 

Next was a call from the aide who was running late and soon she arrived.  Mother had her nails done, was talked to, worked on the puzzle in the paper, and in general had her mind taken off of the morning.  

During the morning I did get the verticals in the patio cleaned, the refrig. scrubbed from top to bottom, and some laundry done. 

  With all the people around, Chase mowing the yard, coming in to use bathroom and get a bottle of water and visiting with Jack.  Kathy cleaning and running back and forth to the kitchen to wash fixtures,etc.  The aide doing her various tasks, and me trying to stay out of the way, LOL, it was an interesting morning.

The nice thing in this is:(1) Mother is getting used to Kathy cleaning in the house.  Mother has fought anyone doing this because she just doesn't like  strangers to be working in the house. (2) She is getting used to people helping her and she won't be reluctant to have me call for help. ( yesterday it was an hour or so before she would even listen to me about calling for help). (3) She is getting used to the paramedics and how good they can be in a pinch! (4)  We had been suspicious that she was upset and acting out her frustrations, last night she hugged me and told me she love me----I told her I was glad to be here with her and she said Oh yes she was so glad I was here. (MY MOTHER HAS NEVER BEEN VERY AFFECTIONATE)  This is a family trait of stoyic emotions that they have always displayed.

The afternoon meant a prescription run, and by that time the afternoon rest time became the "sit a minute" and catch me breath!  But Mother did get a rest and Jack and I had a few minutes together without a crowd around!

Well, what a day.............each day is different and yet the same.

Peace at Marigold Country Home!



Thursday, July 12, 2007


My daughter ordered a riding lawnmower for me a couple of weeks ago. 

 But Sears refused to deliver, even though the delivery fee was 85 dollars and I was willing to pay that fee.  They drive through this tiny hamlet to get to another town to deliver but they do not stop here! LOL

What is the matter do we have cooties?

A friend hearing of the situation said they would go to Altus find something and deliver it, now that is a good friend!

Sears just lost my interest when it came to making purchases.  Why would I want to buy something big if it isn't delivered? 

 Another friend said she had difficulty with the products, they want the buyer to purchase service warranties and if you don't the product doesn't last like the old reputation.

Anyway my grass is getting a bit of a mowing this morning if there is enough cloud cover to protect the mower!

The flowers have been doing great with all the rain and now I guess I have to water, it was nice to be relieved of that job but the lake in the front of the house is a reminder of how much trouble the rain has been and how fierce the mosquitoes!

Signing off because this is a "free day" and I might get something done........or might go somewhere.

Peace at Marigold Country Home.