Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday two-step

Get this timeline:  Friday I get a call and a reminder that Mom has an appointment with the oncologist this afternoon.  Oh and by the way please bring the film from the radiation lab at the hospital..........Ooooooh ok, I don't have these so how do I get them? 

I put a call through to the lab on Friday, no call back at all.  Called finally yesterday and said Hey, how do I get this?  She said it would be ready today....just drive up, leave car running, run  in and they would be at the desk!

Have you finished laughing yet? 

Well, it didn't go quite that way but wasn't too difficult.  And the reminding call today said that the appointment was actually at 2:30 not 1:45 but I had to be there at I:45 to do all the paper work.

Let me tell you I had a sleepless night trying to balance the day, times, places, and people, to make this field trip work! 

Mom and I left home at 11 am.  We picked up a repair part for her car and a item that the grocery packer left out of my purchases on Monday.   By the time we got to Lawton Mom was feeling ill one moment and upchucked all over herself and the car the next.  I pulled over and did what I could....next stop Walmart Women's department.

I cleaned her up and redressed her on the far side of the parking lot of Walmart.  It was pretty private but she wasn't impressed with my purchases.  I thought they were lovely but they were not what she had picked out to wear! LOL

Thank goodness I had left plenty of time for disasters, caregivers do this without even planning.  We made it to the doctor's clinic which is a treatment and research center also.  And the receptionist was correct we didn't see the doctor till after 2:30 and   there was a lot of paper work!

The doctor was pushing radiation  but said we did have a choice.  We opted out for medication daily.  He gave her almost 2 months of samples and we were on our way at last.  Picked up some lunch/dinner items and made it home just after 4p.m.

Mom made it just to her big comfortable chair and was out like a light.  I fed Jack and myself, fed the furry, feline, funny faces and shut down everything for the night.  Gave Mom some ensure but she wasn't awake enough to drink much but she will make up for that later.

I am sitting here thinking how relaxed I am after all of this is over!   I can really work myself up into a stew without much effort........being responsible for everyone is such an effort... I had to see that Jack had plenty to ward off the hungries, the thirsties, and the yummies while we were gone.  He had a nurse visit while we were gone and that helped break up the 5 hour time slot!

NOW I GET TO DO THIS ALL OVER AGAIN IN AUGUST when Jack sees the heart doctor and Mom sees the oncologist! 

Peace, blissful peace at Marigold Country Home on the Oklahoma Prairie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow you were buzy:) glad walmart was there to help with clothes. you amaze me my friend
