Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One of the mama kitties had 7 babies......we only saved three.  They have accommodated themselves in a nice blanket furnished box for a couple of weeks. 

 Other cats have not bothered the kittens and mama has been rather content to let me tickle their fat little tummies.

  I went out yesterday to find all three gone! I could not find their new suite so cleaned their habitat, shook, swept, refolded and rearranged their blankets and box to make an interesting play pen.  No kitties! 

 This morning there was one back, at noon another one, and later the last back from their trip out into the world! They were still rather unsteady on their feet so she must have carried them. 

She actually slipped the last one in while I was getting the lawnmower out to do a little trimming.  I turned around and she was there with the little black one.

She guarded them and comforted them while the lawnmower was making beastly noises.  When I put that big mean thing away she abandoned them to their ranging persuits and went to munch much needed nourishment.

Ooohhh the life of an innocent little kitten!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day and I almost missed it!

Earth Day.........no trees to plant but I will plant flowers!  And wear my Earth Day t-shirt!  Wow, how could I have missed that!  Out here on the Oklahoma Prairie we have a lot of earth!

The long long list.............

You have heard of the long long line......the movie, well, I have a long long list and it isn't moving very fast! 

Yesterday was fairly successful! Called prescription insurance and it did not pay on the antibiotic because we have reached the limit of pay out for this year unless we reach the catastrophic level of 4000 or more for prescriptions.  With less than a quarter of the year past and 2500 already used, we may make that level yet! However, we haven't put 2500 out of pocket. That was insurance.

A friend in Tipton brought me back from taking my car, she will also make Ensure purchase when at the base today,

Picked up 300 dollars in supplies at the Home Health Products store in Frederick, as well as groceries and sundries from the Dollar General Store and Market.

The air conditioner installer from the first few months we were here after the move, came as per our call to check out air conditoner he installed and a wall unit in our area that has been here for 7 or 8 years and we don't know when it had been serviced.  We believe in preventive maintenance and starting the long hot summer without knowing the conditions of the cooling equipment seems silly.

Left message for the doctor as  per the emergency room visit.  Calling that a follow up visit! LOL

Called in a prescription for pain medication to be picked up later this week.

Another friend took me to get the car when finished, replacing the key switch in the steering mechanism was the job and he only charge me 20 dollars.  He was pleased that I had already purchased the part and he didn't have to bother with that time and effort.  The part cost more than the labor.

Another friend brought bags of cat food from Snyder when they went to pick up their son from ball practice...........so everything was pretty much covered.  And yes I paid generously for gas on these trips since it is already  $3.42 here.

I  didn't get any flowers transplanted, my helping neighborhood boy is on restrictions for a bad attitiude! I did not get supplies from the hardware store, and I didn't get garage doors washed!  Oh well that can start the list for another day.

Because she slept the clock around for 12 hours, Mom was in a wonderful mood yesterday and was strong and did really well.  Her appetite was good and she laughed a lot and made all of us feel really good.

Our weather site gives an arthritis indext for the day. Yesterday was very high because of the humidity and Jack had a very uncomfortable day.  He looks to me to give answers as to why he feels so badly, some times I just have to give a gut level answer.  My medical degree isn't finished yet! LOL

Our youngest abandoned furry feline has made a habit of letting me know he is hungry and hurry up!  It isn't time to feed the kitties but he is giving the screen door fits, this is to wake me up and hurry me along!  He is in for a surprise, I am not  easily hurried.

We are scheduled for interesting weather today so I will check the safe room for arrangement and supplies just in case and then Peace will reign at Marigold Country Home for at least a brief period of time!



Monday, April 21, 2008


Why  when I have a day of rest, I don't get much! LOL

I did do some puttering in the flower beds.  And always the many loads of laundry.  Just keeping this place with a semblance of tidy makes a bit of busy work.

The list of to do is long today: Call about the insurance on the $300+ drug bill on Saturday, have someone pick me up and bring me home when I take car to be fixed, call doctor and report the emergency room visit and what is being done, do the weekly shopping, and hit the hardware store for yellow warning paint, a wire brush, and a caulking gun.

Mother's daily one hour aide might arrive today but time is always variable.  Have a list for my neighborhood boy is he wants to work.  Need to mow a small section of the yard to keep it tidy since the regular yard boy will not mow till the weekend.  Want to wash the garage doors and see if I can get the dullness off.  Need to water the flowers since it will be hot today and of course the general house cleaning and maintenance for the kitties.

Does that sound like enough to keep me busy......Mom went to bed last night at 7........it is after 7 am and she still is in bed... wow was she really tired from the two all nighters she had.

Peaceful at Marigold Country Home right now! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The day in beautiful flowers........

There is nothing like taking a walk around the yard and looking at the flowers coming up and the ones already in bloom.  I am always amazed at the growing and the reoccurring of flowers from last year.  

Marigolds are coming up everywhere almost.  I just pull up the plants and drop them in the flower beds, cover them with mulch of all kinds and hope for the next year.  I have used horse manure, pecan shells, egg shells, coffee grounds, commercial mulch and the leaves from the trees.

A neighbor boy (5th grader) is raking my yard and I am going to use that as mulch this summer since it promises to be hot and water is at a premium out here on the dry Oklahoma Prairie.  Last year was a very wet summer but this ones promises to be less so.   He is interested in science and I want him to try some things to keep the bugs and animals from wandering through the flower beds.  I don't think we can do too much to keep the four legged, furry, felines from ferocious fun among the flowers but I will try some things.  Maybe he will have some ideas, too.  Sounds like a Science Fair Project to me.

Mom had an all nighter again last night.  I can't seem to get her in bed.   So I finally gave up last night. She was exhausted this morning, weak, hardly able to wobble to the table.  She didn't want her biscuits and gravy, one of her favorite foods.  So we will stay home from Church this morning and get some rest.

Jack is doing ok,  getting lots of "cat" naps in, the cats are fed and out in the cool, cloudy, morning playing all over the yard.  Time for me to shut down and take a rest.

Peace from Marigold Country Home.




Friday, April 18, 2008

U will not believe this!

Well, Mom's aide really get here this morning but almost an hour late!  So goes it!

But after lunch we got a call from Jack's primary care doctor about the tissue samples the wound therapist took from Jack's leg.  She said the wound had a suspicious odor and she had sent samples to be checked.  He was concerned about the results and wanted Jack to see a wound surgeon this afternoon or go to the emergency room.  He said he had not been able to find a wound doctor available today so Jack had to go to the emergency room.  Hee hee, we rushed off to the nearest er about 35 miles away.  He said he would call ahead because I was not sure just what to tell them when he is using all the technical names for bacteria,etc.   Well, we got there just after 3 and got home at almost 6.  A kind and gracious friend sat with Mom and that took a great deal of pressure off of me.

Gone 4 hours and what did we discover?  That the doctors (2) looked at the wound and pronounced it doing well, that it did not smell that they could tell, but they would prescribe an antibiotic that would handle the bacteria AND NOT CONFLICT WITH ALL THE OTHER STUFF JACK TAKES! And that is always the catch not conflict.

Well, I wrote a check to the friend for her kindness and assured her that I appreciated her help.  Fed Mom and Jack and myself..... and we have all gone to bed!  Thank goodness!

So many plans..........

I have often gone to plan B, C, or even D but I am not sure which plan I am on now!

Wednesday was the day the cleaning neighbor was to come, the aide for Mom, the nurse and the therapist..................Well we got one out of 4!

Yesterday, we had another one of the 4 show up, along with Jack's wound therapist!

Called the neighbor to see if I had misunderstood when she was coming, and she said sometime maybe over the weekend.  The aide took Wednesday and Thursday off............maybe she will be here today and tomorrow?

Made 6 phone calls yesterday to people who should know about a funeral reception on Saturday but none were home.   But they all have those nasty things on their phones that tells them I called so was awakened twice last night with returned phone calls! 

I am providing a cake for a reception tomorrow......that is if someone picks one up.   Of course that is something I can't do.......but one of the calls back said "they" were picking it up today!  I can only hope none of the wires are crossed!

Weekend Peace from Marigold Country Home!




So many plans..........

I have often gone to plan B, C, or even D but I am not sure which plan I am on now!

Wednesday was the day the cleaning neighbor was to come, the aide for Mom, the nurse and the therapist..................Well we got one out of 4!

Yesterday, we had another one of the 4 show up, along with Jack's wound therapist!

Called the neighbor to see if I had misunderstood when she was coming, and she said sometime maybe over the weekend.  The aide took Wednesday and Thursday off............maybe she will be here today and tomorrow?

Made 6 phone calls yesterday to people who should know about a funeral reception on Saturday but none were home.   But they all have those nasty things on their phones that tells them I called so was awakened twice last night with returned phone calls! 

I am providing a cake for a reception tomorrow......that is if someone picks one up.   Of course that is something I can't do.......but one of the calls back said "they" were picking it up today!  I can only hope none of the wires are crossed!

Weekend Peace from Marigold Country Home!




Thursday, April 17, 2008

I love the medicinal chocolate

The new health foods: dark chocolate , pecans, and a glass of red wine are rich in antioxodants!

Six benefits of dark chocolate: lowers blood pressure, reduces risk of diabetes, activates enzymes that eliminate cancer causing careinegens and mutagens, reduces risks of blood clots, keeps cholesterol levels stable or even slightly improves them, enhance cognitive functions in the brain. ALL THIS BY 50 LITTLE DARK CHOCOLATE CHIPS.  BITTER CHOCOLATE IS BEST!

Need to know more see the April ARPS Bulletin.
































Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things we say.............

By the time I was signing Mom in at the doctor's office I was mentally pooped!  The receptionist asked if I was the new patient and I said, "No, I am her mother."  Well, I guess I gave them the first real laugh of the day!

Today is another busy day.  First will be our neighbor who cleans for us for a couple of hours.  She also is our neighborhood hotline, emotional support, Jack's chat and dust buddy, and as close a friend as we have developed here on the Oklahoma Prairie.

Then  mom's one hour aide who will do things directly related to Mom's comfort. Bathing, grooming, bed making, and that sort of thing.  They also read the obits in the paper, check the weather report, and in general start the day with a smile.

I expect Mom's nurse will check in about noon and give her a once over for the record.  This really is nice to have someone weekly giving her a clean bill of health so to speak.   I was glad yesterday when Mom was not running a temp and her blood pressure was normal after her flare up on the way to the doctor.

Later, Mom's therapist will check in to give her some exercises and help her with her walking.  She told me the other night that she wasn't going to use "that walker" because it was not hers!  I said that she was really correct because it was her husbands but it was the only one she had and he would be happy she was using it.  Wonder if that is why she refuses to use it much.............interesting!

On the subject of flowers:  Pink iris have burst into bloom and yellows are just about ready.  Next year we should have quite a bouquet of colors.  I need to space out some marigolds that are coming up in handfuls.  And the 4 o'clocks are also everywhere.  Some people hate the 4 o'clocks because they seem to take over but they are easily thinned out and always stand the heat and wind well.  I will get some ready to share with a neighbor who wants to get some flowers started.   This is the neighbor who details my car for an unbelieveable price and whose husband will put the repair part on Mom's car.  I know they need the extra $$$ as everyone in this town does, but making a bond with your neighbor inthis small town is so important.

I stopped at a nearby house where the moving signs were going on and said we need all the good people we can get in this town, I was sorry they were moving.  And I got a history lesson on the family that had lived here for a long time, a reason for the move, the new people moving in, and a cat story----all this for free!  Can you tell I work hard on this neighborhood thing!

Well it is almost 4:30am and time for me to try to sleep for awhile.........Peace  from Marigold Country Home.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday two-step

Get this timeline:  Friday I get a call and a reminder that Mom has an appointment with the oncologist this afternoon.  Oh and by the way please bring the film from the radiation lab at the hospital..........Ooooooh ok, I don't have these so how do I get them? 

I put a call through to the lab on Friday, no call back at all.  Called finally yesterday and said Hey, how do I get this?  She said it would be ready today....just drive up, leave car running, run  in and they would be at the desk!

Have you finished laughing yet? 

Well, it didn't go quite that way but wasn't too difficult.  And the reminding call today said that the appointment was actually at 2:30 not 1:45 but I had to be there at I:45 to do all the paper work.

Let me tell you I had a sleepless night trying to balance the day, times, places, and people, to make this field trip work! 

Mom and I left home at 11 am.  We picked up a repair part for her car and a item that the grocery packer left out of my purchases on Monday.   By the time we got to Lawton Mom was feeling ill one moment and upchucked all over herself and the car the next.  I pulled over and did what I could....next stop Walmart Women's department.

I cleaned her up and redressed her on the far side of the parking lot of Walmart.  It was pretty private but she wasn't impressed with my purchases.  I thought they were lovely but they were not what she had picked out to wear! LOL

Thank goodness I had left plenty of time for disasters, caregivers do this without even planning.  We made it to the doctor's clinic which is a treatment and research center also.  And the receptionist was correct we didn't see the doctor till after 2:30 and   there was a lot of paper work!

The doctor was pushing radiation  but said we did have a choice.  We opted out for medication daily.  He gave her almost 2 months of samples and we were on our way at last.  Picked up some lunch/dinner items and made it home just after 4p.m.

Mom made it just to her big comfortable chair and was out like a light.  I fed Jack and myself, fed the furry, feline, funny faces and shut down everything for the night.  Gave Mom some ensure but she wasn't awake enough to drink much but she will make up for that later.

I am sitting here thinking how relaxed I am after all of this is over!   I can really work myself up into a stew without much effort........being responsible for everyone is such an effort... I had to see that Jack had plenty to ward off the hungries, the thirsties, and the yummies while we were gone.  He had a nurse visit while we were gone and that helped break up the 5 hour time slot!

NOW I GET TO DO THIS ALL OVER AGAIN IN AUGUST when Jack sees the heart doctor and Mom sees the oncologist! 

Peace, blissful peace at Marigold Country Home on the Oklahoma Prairie!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring blooms............

I have the most beautiful white iris bursting out yesterday.  The plants are loaded with stems and covered with buds ready to open.....How glorious!

However, the little feline terrorist have played havoc with some of the plants and budding stems.  As these plants are under my computer window, they stay close by and play in the sunshine.  I can forfeit a few for watching cuties attack, roll, and chase each other as they play.

Lots of rain is forcast today along with thunder storms and spring sky displays.  Have a new weather warning radio to listen to.......it  really is quite efficient and helpful when tracking our storms.  Out here on the Oklahoma Prairie we need all the help we can get.  This is also the last frontier so I am cooking ahead thinking(ahead too) about the electricity going off..LOL

Take care and raindrops from Marigold Country Home.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What an exciting morning.......apart from all the usual things I made a quick run to a vet.

We have some new feline babies and I kept noticing something strange that I had not seen before.  Three of the kittens were attached together.  One had already expired but the other two seemed to be alive.  I just could not stand to watch this so I told Momma kitty I would bring them back.........I didn't know but had to try something.  After several attempts I was able to remove the three from the others (three I thought) wrapped them in a towel and went looking for a vet.  After several stops and lots of questions I found someone who knew where. 

When I went in the wife of the vet looked  at  my face and said what is wrong?  I told her I had three kittens attached and she shook her head...no.  But she said she would take them to her husband.  She brought me back two and the vet was behind her saying they were really cold to get them warm as quickly as possible.  

The heater on my van is really great but I almost melted! LOL  The microwave warmed a towel, and the heater quickly gave them some warmth and I took them back to Mommie who fed them and tucked them in with the others......I went back and counted and still had 6.......had missed one I guess.  I don't think but one will make it but we tried.

The vet's bill?  Just a smile and keep them warm and fed.  Bless him!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

And then there is Plan B

One of these days I will remember - don't plan too largely on anything because something will always come up! Yep!  And then there was Plan B which was stay home and put your feet up!

Well, something like that!  Jack had a bad episode this morning.........Mom's home health aide who didn't come yesterday and rescheduled for today was a couple of hours late soooooo Mom and I went for a drive later for a prescription  and then I started another project.

Mom has two chest freezers that have the accumulation of a great many years.  The first I have almost empty and the second has a nice start now.  So Plan B was a pretty "cool" afternoon.

This isn't my house and I have to remember that when I put my muddy boots to cleaning out closets, freezers, and other deposit places.  Too much too fast and Mom gets suspicious.   So this week I have made some things disappear....just like magic!  Not a lot and of course not everything in an area just a little at a time. 

So have a nice weekend and Cherrio  from Marigold Country Home!


A true test of my coping skills.........

It is Saturday.  It will be a fun day for all.  I have said it and I mean it!  Did you ever tell your kids that they would go somewhere and they would have a good time or else?

It is a Sam's Club day.   If I am lucky there will be a place for Mom to sit and wait while Jack and I shop till we drop..........or at least till I drop because Jack has his power chair!  If it isn't too hot Mom can sit in the van if she prefers.  Anyway it will be a great day.

Why is it that when one is responsible for almost all actions and all decisions that  the sky usually falls?  Thursday the key and mechanism locked while in a neighboring town.  With some assistance we were able to unjam the key and the car started fine.  Yesterday, the key did the same thing and I was unable to start the car.  A neighbor came over and unjamed the system and said the mechanism was so worn that it would happen again and what to do.  I said can you fix it? Oh yes, and would if I got the part.  I only paniced a little.  I am getting better at this.  Jack laughed at me, we have two vehicles.  Sometimes I forget that a car and a spare car is always nice! LOL  The one I drive most of the time is my Mom's 16 year old Crown Victoria with about 70000 miles on it.  It is the offending vehicle.

Our van is an enter van.  We could not function without that.  However, we are looking into public transportation.  Locally there are enter vans that carry patients to doctors or other appointments.  Another neighbor drives for this company.  In an emergency this would be helpful.

I guess today started at 4am since that is the time I got up.........so Peace from Marigold Country Home and a  medicinal chocolate kiss to all of you!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Is it Friday already?

Is it Friday already?  Where did this week go and was I here or some place else? LOL Sometimes I try to remember just which day something happened and I find the days run together!

A friend brought a lot of Ensure from the base where she shops, and that was a great help!  I seem to find fewer opportunities to just run and grab some groceries.  If it was not for Schwan's we might starve!  Now that is really a joke!  But the Schwan's dinners for two really come in handy.

I want you men out there to know that we females have weapons that you could never use!  One of Jack's medications is so controlled that I have to drive an hour to the doctor's office and an hour back just to get the prescription.  Only those who have special identificaton and signatures (me) can even pick up the prescription!  Well, the prescription ran out on the 31st of March.  I called in the request on the 28th so I could pick up the prescription this week! 

It has been one of those weeks, so I called in today when I saw that circumstances was going to prevent my going this afternoon and asked if it could be faxed to a pharmacy as they had done before  the change in policy.  No, the doctor was not there to approve such a thing..... That I should have called in sooner possibly the day before.  I said Ok, guess Jack could go without that pain med for a few more days... and I cried!  I just received a call back....doctor has approved the fax this month only!

Isn't it interesting how easily they could find the doctor? 

Mom has another new nurse for weekly visits.  This one seemed to know some options that we had not tried yet.  Like a day care in the town where we see doctors, shop, and enjoy eating out when we had help.  So again I have high hopes. 

A neighbor brought me two pots of iris to set out.  She didn't remember what color they were so will be a lovely surprise.  I reset a lot of iris last week and she laughed and said one day I would regret having so many because they spread so quickly!  Marigolds, iris, 4 o'clocks, and tall English hollyhocks, some mums, Easter lilies, and larkspur, and what else can I find! LOL 

Physical therapist for Mom is here, she isn't always cooperative because the exercise makes her tired but it is soooooooooo good for her.  Now, one more person is expected......Jack's nurse who comes rather late.....and then another week is finished!  We are at the mercy of these medicare paid people.  We don't want to lose them and they set their own schedules mostly.  This is why it is so difficult to set our schedules.

 Peace from Marigold Country Home!