Friday, May 4, 2007



Angel's Closet came yesterday and took away a big load of furniture and they will be back today with more muscle and bigger trailers. I am so grateful to them and I hope the people they distribute the furniture to enjoy each piece.

Angel's Closet is an organization run by two ladies (sisters).  They give away clothing that they have carefully gleaned out of all the donations they receive.  I have been in their little place and it looks like a department store.  Everything is neatly folded, pressed hanging on hangers, and everything  is good stuff.  I gave them 8 bags of  clothing and shoes and they commented yesterday on the good quality. 

Yesterday I gave them three more bags and was so glad to have it out of the house.   One of the ladies was having problems this past week and had tests so I hope her physical problems are minor because they do such good.

I asked if they would like dishes, bedding,etc and they said they would distribute everything they received.  Their little store is in an old Lumber Yard and they seem to have plenty of storage space.

They are open as many Saturdays as they can manage and have items to give away.  They will even take the old console tv one will take those and I was surprised.  They said those went really fast.   They don't question the people who take clothing,etc.  I imagine many people redo the furnture and make the tv consoles into bookcases,etc. but POWER to them!

I  put out lots of marigold plants yesterday, dug holes for Iris plants and also put out 10 yellow rose cuttings.    The landscaper will be here on Monday with more dirt,  seed, and hope that we will soon have a totally green lawn.  At this time the red dirt they brought in hasn't even grown a weed!  It is red clay,LOL but he is bring lawn mix to put on top of that.... anyway we should look good soon.. Take care all of you........Peace reigns at Marigold Country Home.



Anonymous said...

 What a neat thing the 2 ladies are doing.  We have several places here but they sale everything they get and half the time it looks terrible, wrinkled and smelly.  I donate clothes to the hospital along with coats.  People don't think about it but accident patients come in and we cut their clothes off.  Then after we patch them up they don't have anything to wear home, LOL.  So we give them clothes from the donated closet.  Also little kids come in not wearing warm enough clothes and we give them coats and what ever.  So much better then keeping them in a closet not being used in your home.  I hope to get my flowers planted this weekend.


Anonymous said...

have a great weekend:)
