Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bright sunshine----Bright future!


That is what is happening in this house.  Mother has dozed off, the cat has a whole chair to stretch out in, and Jack is asleep.   Sooooooooooooo

 I decided to bake a pecan pie.  Mother was going to chop the nuts but since she looked so comfortable, I did it myself.  Now in about 40 minutes our house will smell good again! lol

Yesterday I worked with the digital camera that my daughter gave us for Christmas.  She worked with it but could never get the pictures to the computer, well I got them in the computer and actually sent one in an e-mail.  This is a real challenge.

The sunshine is so bright--it is bitterly cold but the sunshine is so wonderful!  We had plans but we are waiting for a longed for call from Jack's daughter. 

Oh, oh everyone is beginning to stir so I need to start the chicken, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce for lunch.  Somewhere in there we need something green!  Maybe english peas since Mother likes those.

I hope I don't offend anyone but I don't want BLACK EYED PEAS FOR NEW YEARS DINNER!  Perhaps mother will forget that they are traditional.   And she always makes a big pillowcase on New Years Day to hold all the money she will I need to locate a LARGE bit of fabric so I can make a really big one, too.

I guess everyone has  traditions for the holiday that are a little different from everyone elses.  Peace reigns right now here in Marigold Country Home, and I am away to start lunch.  Wish you could join us!




Anonymous said...

"wish you could join us" ... so do I! Your meal sounds wonderful! Though personally I'm in it for the Pecan Pie <grin> ... Aren't you supposed to have pork not chicken? Pigs root forward, chickens scratch backwards or something to that effect? You're out there on the prairie what's the scoop on all that?

Anonymous said...

It sounds so cosy with all those zzzzzz's in the air.  Mmmmm fresh baked pie, your house will smell so inviting so I'm wishing I could join you.  Have a wonderful time and well done on the camera. Rache