Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thursday morning, cool, and clear!

We are to expect very low temps for Easter.  It never fails, get a new dress and put winter's coat over it! lol

Yesterday was a good day.   I took Mother with me to one of the towns where I get precriptions.  On the way back we stopped and bought fish for Mother's lunch.

Then, Jack and I went to the Whistle Stop, the culturally different restaurant that we love.  I had an Indian taco for breakfast and Jack was more conventional and had a ham and cheese ommlette. 

We took a short drive looking for Quanta Parker's Star Home near Cache, Oklahoma.  We drove through the wildlife refuge, the part with prong horn deer, buffalo, and long horn cattle.  Didn't see any wildllife tho! lol

We stopped at a Dollar General and got some Jelly Beans and then came home.  

  It was after 12 when we got home, and Mother had not eaten.  Later in the afternoon, Jack and I took off again and went after soft freeze icecream! What a great day to get out and away.  Mother doesn't deal well usually with our being gone.  I will have to take her some place today. lol...

Peace at Marigold Country Home! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you've been able to take a day out with Jack.  The cupboard falling must have been a heart stopping thing, they're really heavy.  You're having some lovely weather..enjoy. Rache