Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sheriffs should have bigger offices!

I went to the Sheriff's office this morning to thank them for their prompt and courteous response to the call for help.    The office was a cubby hole!

The Sheriff looked at me and said, "But we didn't do anything."  And I understand why after the under sheriff showed me the codes and laws that they follow. 

They can't do anything about dogs and cats within our city limits because they are controlled by city laws.  They can do anything with sheep, pigs, chickens, and horses but not cats and dogs.  Farm animals are a different breed of 'cat'.

He said however those laws should be changed and the legislatures are the ones that have cages that need rattling.  I am on a crusade!

In our situation we have no law enforcement except the local county sheriff and I did think they responded and so courteously.  Interesting enough they brought up sueing the man in civil court.  I don't want to sue I want the man to properly restrain the dogs with quality fencing that will prevent them from hurting someone else.

The owner is a reserve deputy in training and going to school.   I wonder how these calls on his animals will influence his record...probably not at all.  The sheriff told him if he sees the dogs out, chasing anything or anyone they are dead dogs!  At least that is what he said.

I asked about carrying side arms.  He said it only takes about 3 months in training and a security check and I can carry a sidearm..Hee hee.  Mrs. Lone Ranger Rides Again!  You can do a lot of things in Oklahoma.

He said there is a city ordinance against discharging guns in the city limits.......always a barrier........however he would not prosecute if I shot the dogs on my property.    Like the dogs are going to hang around while I go get my weapon and then call the sheriff.

Anyway there OUGHT TO BE A LAW  to protect animals and people from vicious dogs.


Anonymous said...

there is a law here in colorado but it doesn't help you:( hope you get something done about those mean dogs


Anonymous said...

When we lived in Maryland a Doberman was loose and upsetting people in the neighborhood. When the police cruiser arrived and the officer felt the dog was threatening he shot it dead on the spot right in the middle of a residential street. While all were certainly stunned not another word was heard about it and never again was a dog seen running loose. Dog fence construction began almost the next morning in many homes.