Tuesday, April 17, 2007

No one is safe!

Since we have been in Oklahoma a grey cat gave birth to three kittens.  One was dark smoky grey, one black, and one light grey.  The  mother cat developed an absess on her leg which made it difficult for her to get around.  She was wild enough that I was never able to touch her.  Dogs killed her. 

Her kittens have been very frightened of dogs.  Scally had been injured sometime back.  Not sure if the injury was back or leg, but she had finally let me pet her.  I had made a place for her to sleep on our patio and she seldom went far. 

I noticed and commented to Jack this morning that she was using her leg and putting it on the surface that she happened to be standing on.  She played and rolled and jumped about this morning.  And I petted her every time I came close.

I went to work at my aunt's house.  A cousin came by and said there were some dogs killing a cat down the street.  These are two big breeding boxers.  Mean and agressive.  I rushed home and found Scally's bed disturbed and blood, big dog footprints on the patio.   I went looking and found her.  I yelled at the dogs and they moved away a bit.  I got out and looked and touched Scally to see if I could help and if it was really her.

The dogs came at me and I barely had time to get in the van.  I had no idea that I was in so much danger. 

It was too much, I went to pieces.  Hysterics and tears and sobbing so hard I could not talk.

A neighbor called the sheriff .  She had already called once.  The dogs are dangerous and not supposed to be out.

When the sheriff came I could hardly talk and tell them that the dogs had chased me when I went to the rescue of the cat.  I had stopped in from of the home of the owner of the dogs and honked for a long time with no results.

As soon as the sheriff drove up in the driveway the owner came out.  THE GOOD OLE BOYS TALKED IT OVER AND IT WAS JUST A CAT AND THERE WERE NO WITNESSES TO MY BEING CHASED BY THE DOGS.

THE OWNER WAS A SHERIFF AUXILIARY PERSON.  I showed the sheriff where they had pulled her out of her safe place and she had put up a valient fight hanging on to her box, the blood that the rain had not washed away, etc.  Sorry, the law says they can't do anything because they didn't see it.

WAIT TILL THE DOGS MAUL A CHILD! Then what will they do?

However, they said if the dogs come on my property and attack me I can shoot in my defense.  Guess I have to start carrying a side arm.

All of this to say, I felt such pain at the helplessness of the poor animal, and such pain for the parents of the students.  THEY WERE JUST AS HELPLESS AS THIS POOR CRIPLED CAT.

My heart breaks for those parents, families, friends, and others who were injured and other wise tramatized by that horrible act.  Sometimes it takes something close to home to realize the hugeness of that shooting.


Anonymous said...

i am sorry but i would have killed those dogs with my bare hands and then went after the owner grrrrrr idiot that he is! have a good week


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel. It's all very sad and leaves us feeling helpless. At least you can shoot the dogs if they come at you again. I'd buy the side arm.