Tuesday, April 3, 2007

THE SKY IS FALLING............

After a day when I had little time to be off my foot, and an evening that I am sure was not a blessing on my blood pressure or MY mental state...............a cupboard litterly fell off the wall.  

This cupboard is in the handicap portion of the kitchen.  I had opened the door to remove a box of crackers and it ended up in my arms.

I screamed, my mother ran in and stood in my way trying to help me hold the cupboard.   I am telling her to move so I can move the cupboard out of my arms.  She is going to HELP me...........Jack came in and helped me move the cupboard over to a safe position..MY HERO!

I had to empty the cupboard on the floor, to remove the shelves which were quite heavy, Mother kept saying quit throwing things on the floor!  LOL  

Now where would I put it? There is no cabinet space since this is over the sink and dishwasher.............and nothing was breakable.........and the floor was clean!

Well, today I have to find someone to put the cabinet back! 

Looking for Peace at Marigold Country Home! 


















Anonymous said...

Team spirit at its finest!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love help, weather you want it or not!