Thursday, October 9, 2008

How do you say good-by

How do you say good-by to a friend. Do you hug? Walk them to the car, or out on the sidewalk?

How do you say good-by to someone you love?

Do you hold them in an embrace? A kiss on the cheek? Do you hold their hand?

I thought I was getting stronger or maybe more stoic. I am not sure.

I know when we used to visit and had to leave Mom and go back to California..........the embrace was sometimes tearful but often warm and dried eyed. Maybe we just were afraid to cry.

Saying good-by isn't easy for anyone, especially when it is final.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Raised in an Irish Catholic culture, we never do say 'good bye' more a 'till we meet again'. Of course that is easier said than done.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick