Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Picture this:

fields of golden wheat ready to be cut,

 huge combines and semis  in the fields waiting to begin the day,

the hot sun and wind drying the crop to ready it for cutting,

workers starting the day at 8 in the morning and keeping at it until 11 at night,

 and everyone holding their breath that the clouds will continue to scuttle across the sky and not stop here.

The temperatures are approaching triple digit figures, and it is hot let me assure you!

Goldie and Lonesome went to see vet yesterday. New procedure for neutering is done with laser and they seem to be doing well.

Jack's daughter called yesterday and she is coming to give me time to do some facility research, give her dad some Father's Day time, and in general enjoy this horrible heat! LOL

It will be wonderful to have someone to share the responsibility with for a few days....she is so good with her dad.  I need a time to do things like get a haircut.

Barking dogs woke me at 3 this morning.............cats do not BARK!

Peace reigns but shakily at Marigold Country Home!




Anonymous said...

Awww brilliant :) I love that name Lonesome. Rache

Anonymous said...

what a great thing for the daughter to do come and help you:) have a good week


Anonymous said...

Peace is usually a little shaky for me also.  I think you are on the right road, still a hard one, but each step.... ~Mary