Friday, June 15, 2007

My rubber band has snapped a couple of times this week!    I am sometimes stretched just too far.  Whether fatigue or stress, sometimes the tears just happen without much warning.

Jack is stressed out over the eye surgery because he must get on the operating table and he is concerned that they won't have a stool for him to step on and he will be embarassed and maybe unable to do this.  I tried to make them aware of this difficulty for him when we scheduled the surgery but sometimes staff look at you like we know what we are doing and don't offer much reassurance.

I am finding that sometimes those trained in the medical field don't have training in the compassion field!  I know their patient better than they do.......but they don't listen and then any problems they encounter.......become my problems and I must find the solution.

Now on the absolutely wonderful side!  I have rented a dumpster for each month and it is emptied weekly (finally we got this worked out).  Well, last weeks dumpster fill was really good.  Now, I have an empty dumpster to fill------this really keeps you on the go to do enough or gather up enough to fill this big thing.

I decided to trim bushes, trees,etc., at my grandmother's house and try to fill the dumpster...I grabbed the clippers and  went to work!  A neighborhood kid came to see if I needed help.  Now I don't mind trimming but I hate to pick up the stuff and put it in the dumpster so I really welcomed his help.   He said he would like 2$ for helping and I said that was fine!   So he really worked well and we filled that darn dumpster in no time.  Three more neighborhood kids arrived and wanted to help and I told them that I would give them one dollar and we could top off the dumpster so I went back to trimming!......WOULD YOU KNOW THOSE GUYS GOT IN THE DUMPSTER AND TAMPED DOWN THE TRIMMINGS..... and now we will be working again today and tomorrow to fill the dumpster!

We picked appricots for them to take home and then trimmed the trees, and made a date to meet again today!  (smiles)

 In this neighborhood it is important to know the kids and keep them on your side.  These kids know and see everything and can get into more mischief accidentially than most.  I really need them to watch our property.

Today the list is long and I must start working on those "must dos" early.

Peace from Marigold Country Home!





Anonymous said...

good for you:) great idea to have the kids help:) and i bet they will watch out for you too:) enjoy your weekend


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll come up with a solution if they haven't a stool for Jack to step on.  Not sure if this is feasable for Jack but cupped hands resting on someones knee when there's nothing else sometimes helps.  I think the kids in your area are lovelly, they probably enjoyed getting in and out of that dumpster. Rache