I wrote it, and then erased it! But just writing helped. Perhaps one day I will be able to write and not feel guilty and erase the entry.
I wrote it, and then erased it! But just writing helped. Perhaps one day I will be able to write and not feel guilty and erase the entry.
No matter how well you plan, there is always a glitch in the works...............
Mother got up at 4 Sunday morning and I suggested that she go back to bed. She got up about 7 and said she was really hungry. I gave her orange juice because she seemed a little pale and wobbly. Well, she sat and waited for her breakfast and meanwhile faded away a couple of times.
She ate a few bites of breakfast and said she was so tired, so I got her back in bed and she went to sleep. Now I am so well prepared usually but I wasn't prepared for her to be weak this morning so I continued to monitor her, did the kitchen and floors Clorox fix, and continued to do some little jobs. Got Jack bathed and dressed,etc. and still wondering how mother was doing really.
Still monitoring, she finally woke up and asked for something like a sandwich. She bathed and got ready for Church. While eating her sandwich, company arrived and stayed till noon.
No church this morning. When they change time, people think you are already home at 10:30 and don't hear you saying you are getting ready for church? Well, she probably could not have handled it well anyway.
The rest of the day was more restful for her and I still monitored her. She had a fever blister and aches and pains, so I guess it was something minor. She seems so much better this morning.
My mind was certainly working on OPTIONS yesterday, if she was ill enough to be taken to hospital, what would I do?
At least we home we have sunshine! Right after the rain yesterday........quite a lot of rain in fact I went out and started trimming trees and bushes. My work force of kids didn't make a show so I had the job by myself. I actually was wading in water to trim and carry to the dumpster, but I have to keep that dumpster filled each week.
We found an abandoned kitten, which we fed the first time with an eye dropper since his efforts to lap the milk resulted in snorkleing....he was soaking wet after the storm, cold and weak. Jack baby sat and I warmed milk, together we fed him. We have continued to fed him and now he seems to be making it pretty good on his own. It has taken up with the barn cats apparently and I have found him in the feeding pan licking it clean. I will try to catch him later this morning and give him milk.
This kitten is small. Fits in Jack's hand quite well. Wonderful therapy for mother and Jack, and of course I am the cat lady! LOL
I started mowing last evening, and the neighbor brought her youngest down to teach him how to weed eat........the weedeater is just too big for him! It is too long for me too, so I am looking for a much smaller/ shorter one with electric starter.
Hope everyone has a pleasant weekend, Peace!
Electricity off from 1 am until 12 noon today..........typical Oklahoma Summer Thunderstorm last night. Lots of wind in the area but we were fortunate again to not get the brunt of the storm.
Mother did so much better today.......she enjoyed her lunch and we arrived home to find her happy and helpful. Roller Coaster Days do make you nutz!
The eye check was good so we will do the other one next Tuesday. Hope Mother continues to do well. When she understands everything she does quite well, and she has started to sing to herself.....I asked what she was doing... she said singing..... hee hee as if I didn't know.....and I said why? She said because I am happy! Gee, that made me happy, too!
Peace tonight at Marigold Country Home.
I wrote a long entry and then erased it..........sounded like lots of complaints. Enough to say my mother did not handle being alone at home while I took Jack for eye surgery.
Sometimes I wonder if I can do this. She gets ideas in her head and nothing will change them. We returned home to find her crying because we had been home and left again and didn't tell her.........no so, some vehicle like ours must have been here and someone she thought was me got out..........etc., etc .,etc., etc., needless to say I had a headache in a hurry.
Much to my amazement the staff at the eye clinic were wonderful, experienced in dealing with bad hips and bad legs,etc., and helped Jack find a comfortable place on the oper. table so that he was able to relax. I just can't believe that communication exists between phones and operating rooms. The head nurse in the oper. room happened to be the one I spoke to a number of times by phone. Yea! Jack commented on how helpful she was and I passed the word on to the the lady on the phone.... I don't know her name but..... and the voice on the phone said..."it was me"! She was pleased with the compliments.
Oh well, surprises do happen and so do miracles. Jack is having some discomfort tonight. But the nurse said that was normal and to take a pain reliever. Hey percocet really works!
We follow up tomorrow............peace!
Father's Day is always a bit sad for me........how I miss my dad and he died in '62. Jack received calls from our girls. His day was quiet and lonely. His daughter had planned to come but her mother's health made it important that his daughter take her for a treatment tomorrow.......so no trip!
We had showers again this morning. Went to church and had a quiet day. There are not too many of those and I should be thankful for each one.
For all the fathers out there......appreciate your daughters and sons and tell them you love them!
My rubber band has snapped a couple of times this week! I am sometimes stretched just too far. Whether fatigue or stress, sometimes the tears just happen without much warning.
Jack is stressed out over the eye surgery because he must get on the operating table and he is concerned that they won't have a stool for him to step on and he will be embarassed and maybe unable to do this. I tried to make them aware of this difficulty for him when we scheduled the surgery but sometimes staff look at you like we know what we are doing and don't offer much reassurance.
I am finding that sometimes those trained in the medical field don't have training in the compassion field! I know their patient better than they do.......but they don't listen and then any problems they encounter.......become my problems and I must find the solution.
Now on the absolutely wonderful side! I have rented a dumpster for each month and it is emptied weekly (finally we got this worked out). Well, last weeks dumpster fill was really good. Now, I have an empty dumpster to fill------this really keeps you on the go to do enough or gather up enough to fill this big thing.
I decided to trim bushes, trees,etc., at my grandmother's house and try to fill the dumpster...I grabbed the clippers and went to work! A neighborhood kid came to see if I needed help. Now I don't mind trimming but I hate to pick up the stuff and put it in the dumpster so I really welcomed his help. He said he would like 2$ for helping and I said that was fine! So he really worked well and we filled that darn dumpster in no time. Three more neighborhood kids arrived and wanted to help and I told them that I would give them one dollar and we could top off the dumpster so I went back to trimming!......WOULD YOU KNOW THOSE GUYS GOT IN THE DUMPSTER AND TAMPED DOWN THE TRIMMINGS..... and now we will be working again today and tomorrow to fill the dumpster!
We picked appricots for them to take home and then trimmed the trees, and made a date to meet again today! (smiles)
In this neighborhood it is important to know the kids and keep them on your side. These kids know and see everything and can get into more mischief accidentially than most. I really need them to watch our property.
Today the list is long and I must start working on those "must dos" early.
Peace from Marigold Country Home!
Either I am farther ahead or farther behind!
I just can't tell, comparing with last year, I think I am farther behind. There doesn't seem to be as much happening with getting things cleaned up!
I must have an unnatural urge or organize and clean!
So much has happened..........Jack will have eye surgery on the 19th of June for cataracts, the second surgery as soon as possible after the first.
Mother's aide will be here today, I have some manicure things laid out and mother's vitamins that need to be separated out for the week. They can always work on the scramble puzzle because I have so little time to do that kind of thing.
I have been trying again to do some legal things and dealing with lawyers isn't my idea of a fun afternoon. This runs to quick claim deeds, right of ways for pipe lines for water, closing another estate, making a will, and doing another durable power of attorney. These are all normal everyday things but I don't enjoy them.
I am back to trying to mow our big lawn, we have hired it done since I broke my foot in February, and just now feeling like I can keep up the walking to do the whole thing. The exercise is great and I try to keep at it every day. There is a lot of trimming to do also.
One of the mama kitties brought her four little ones in to be introduced. I picked up one and it was not as easy to handle as 'First Kitty', the first little babe that was brought in. The barn kitties are now down to two and they are not as skittish as they were a week ago. Mother Nature has a way with natural attrition when it come to the animal population.
Mother's aide came early...........now I can catch my breath!