Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pot holes in the roads................

Well, I stopped this week for speeding.  I started the conversation with, " You are absolutely right! I was flying.  I was going home to a sick husband and my mind was there, not here."  The patrol man laughed and said if you will tell me what year this car is, I will write you a real quick warning.  I could have hugged him right there!

Yesterday, Jack surrendered his drivers license and received an Oklahoma ID card.  He now proclaims that he is "legal".  Giving up the CA drivers license was very difficult, another sharp and painful turn in the road of life.

I have had some bad days this week, Jack has had some down turns in medical situations, and Mother  is increasingly frail and forgetful.  The ice is still with us in sheltered areas and I am not weathering the emotional storms very well. 

 You would think a year would make a difference, but I miss my home and my friends so much.  Of course my home is gone, my things has been given away or sold, and my friends have lives there.   And try as they may, they just don't understand the empty homeless feeling that smothers me from time to time.  We are trying so hard to make a new life here, but even adventures and challenges such as this has pot holes in the roads.

Speaking of pot holes:                                       Lawton, Oklahoma, estimated that the streets in the city suffered 90 thousand dollars damage during the recent ice storm.  AND I THOUGHT I HAD PROBLEMS!

Marigold Country Home is working on becoming a home.  <smiles>



Anonymous said...

When we moved I never thought about "me" there was just too much to do. I found that when transplanted as a caregiver it was like being a high wire artist but I no longer had the safety net below me of friends, neighbors, and familiar surroundings. ... May your pot holes keep getting shallower!

Anonymous said...

He deserves a hug that was understanding of him.  I know it's a big upheavel you've taken on, but from your journal where you are now is a wonderfully friendly and caring town and you're the special ingredient making it more so.  Bad and good days, memories and sighs, homes are built on them.

Ps....if you fly again I think you may need a pilots licience as well :)  Take care. Rache