Thursday, November 30, 2006


Last day of November-----first snow!

Decided the cats are snow bunnies not cats at all, think it was the first snow for many of them! They act just like children, rolling, jumping at the snowflakes, racing through the snow, then running up to shake off the snow and nibble on something.  I did not fix hot chocolate for the bunnies(cats)!

Snow didn't start till just before daybreak, and it is just enough of a dusting to make things pretty.  I will take pictures because things look so clean when it snows.

Have put on the pot of beans and will probably have stew, too.  Called a neighbor last night to be sure they had everything they needed and she said she had bought beans, chili meat, stew meat, etc.  Another neighbor said where he was from everyone rushed out and bought bread and milk, and I laughed and said I had pancake mix and syrup so we were all set! LOL It is interesting what everyone thinks   of when they know there will be bad weather.  

Mother kept worrying about others in town to see if they were warm and had plenty to eat, now the snow is like a dusting, not piled up at the windows!

We had hot oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar.  Of course Mother also had some toast and Jack and I had shared a small roll earlier so he could take his medication.

Mother asked me why I was putting on a pot of beans(crockpot/takes about 3 hours) and I said someone might come to the door hungry or we might enjoy them.  Standard fare in  Depressed Western Oklahoma is fried potatoes, beans and cornbread.  Really healthy food! LOL  I don't do fried potatoes, however, if Mother's hungry nephew comes to the door I might be tempted to fill him up with fried potatoes!

I can't believe it is still snowing, so good on the wheat because this is wet snow.

 I decided to brave the snow and went to feed the barn kitties.  It had blown in all the cracks and crevices and it was snowy inside in places.  But the tracks I made were so much deeper than I expected. 

 I had been commenting how heavy the cat's coats were and one of the farmers said his cattle had heavier coats than usual, so guess Mother Nature was preparing  the animals for a colder than usual winter.

I know this sounds silly going on so about the cats and the snow but coming from California where there is so little season change, this is really exciting.  I am relearning about nature and enjoying being out in the open instead of concrete everywhere. 

In California we fed the wild animals, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, lots of wild birds.  We went to a place right on the edge of the wilds where the neighbors and I took lots of kitchen scraps and that sort of thing.  On a summer evening you could count the bunnies as they came out to feed on the green areas of our community. One neighbor bought huge bags of carrots and cut them up for the bunnies.  Now I didn't go that far, but she bought lots of wild bird seed and all kinds of food for the "wild ones". She had her 2 inside cats as  well.

There is Peace and beautiful white snow falling on Marigold Country Home.


Anonymous said...

This reads like a Norman Rockwell painting of a 'first snow'. I LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

I can just picture them in the snow, I'd love that.  You're really well organized on the preparations for a snow in, some hearty food being cooked there.  I can see you're thrilled about the first snow.  Rache