Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Not qualified for this job!

Caregiving is not an easy job..............the qualifications are many.  I am not sure I am qualified for this job!

If it were not for a good husband I would have given up months ago!  This morning my husband took the next step in independence and while I slept he took his bath and did all his grooming activities without any assistance from me.  Only when he reached the point that he needed to complete everything did he call me.  Wow, I was so impressed that he could go this far.  We had talked about what ifs in case I needed to ever take Mother to the doctor or hospital.  So he tried out his abilities and he was of course very pleased with himself as was I.

We had the most delightful thunder and lightening show last night... a little shower but the prelude was so wonderful!  Now this week the temps will drop to below freezing and the promise of a winter mix of freezing rain and snow is in the forcast!  So will stock up and just wait out the rest of the week! LOL

I have decided that Marigold Country Home sounds like a home for wayward cats! LOL 



Anonymous said...

That’s GREAT news. Just knowing Jack is such a team player, you all should be unstoppable through the Winter ahead. Now all you need is a snow plow attachment for his scooter to clear a path for wayward cats to find their way. <grin>

Anonymous said...

Well done Jack that's great.  I imagine he had a wonderful beam on his face with pride.  Wrap up warm, keep out the draughts and you'll weather that cold front you're expecting. Rache