Tuesday, October 24, 2006

tuesday's times.............

The week is passing so quickly...........today we notarized some more papers and made copies of everything.  This is wise advice from my daughter.

We have a full week coming up but tonight and tomorrow is forcast for rain.  In this country it is an 'event'.  We plan a sleep in and a lazy day.  My mother woke us up at 4 this morning looking for her clock, she had forgotten it when she went to bed. 

The reason the clock was forgotten was the unscheduled visit from her nephew. He comes about every week or week and a half for a meal.  He just comes in and waits till the next meal.  ( smile) I have learned that this is an 'opportunity' to share what we have and he is always so hungry.  He will eat anything and praise even the simpliest food.  Last night it was a thick soup and cornbread with big hunk of cake and peaches for dessert.    He kept saying it was so good, and he accepted seconds, actually he is just hungry for home cooked  food.  He lives mostly on microwaved frozen stuff.  As I said it is an oppportunity to share.

 I had already taken food this week to a family who had lost their mother.   I always take the simple things  like this week it was bread, tuna salad for sandwiches, cantaloupe, a big cocoanut cake, bacon, baked beans and potato chips.  I know that was an interesting combination.  But the lady came to me at the funeral dinner and told me, what a gift of love and how much it meant to all of them.  I had been taking food for quite a while.  It seemed to me  to be a thing to do when you know people are hurting too much to take care of themselves.

This is something that my mother would say.... if someone would just bring her a sandwich or something already cooked, and no one did.  I do it because I know it helps to ease the loneliness and hurt.  I am learning  how important it is to share the simpliest things in this little town.  It is something that I would have been very reluctant  to do in the area where we lived in California. Another reason we are here.

I understand we will be doing "Trunk and Treat" on Halloween.  Drive to the church, open your car trunk, and give out  treats in a safe environment.  New concept for me.

I am saving marigold seeds to share.  This place will be known as Marigold Country Home.....we are planning banks and banks of marigold around the house and  in the landscaping.  Hope our plans work out.

Happy autumn from Marigold Country House and peace and contentment from all of us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Trunk and Treat' that's a novel idea, I like that.  Those marrigolds are going to look gorgeous, a sea of gold. Rache