Wednesday, October 4, 2006

...Patrick in Caregivingly, Yours jiggled my thoughts about dreams and what to do about dreams we have created over the years.

First, dreams are the material of  great deeds, great art, great accomplishments, and most of all great lives. 

Sometimes we actually feel like we have played out some of our dreams and do we feel a void where those dreams were located?   I am not sure.

My dream of being a teacher that would touch lives was in many ways accomplished.  After more than 40 years of teaching, related activities, and receiving awards and recognitions from students, parents, and administration, I feel like that dream has been really played out.  I don't even desire to tutor now, even thought I have volunteered to do so in an emergency.

The dream I had of travel and exploring the United States and Europe has also been accomplished to a certain degree.

The dream to accomplish a great deal of family research for myself and others has been part of my life and I am tired of that activity at this time.

I guess right now my dreams are things I might like to accomplish in the future, but they are just that dreams.  I would like to make my home comfortable and very organized.   But right now I really don't have a home and doing things to it is out of the question.  Even organizing the closets is not a opportunity that is available to me.

The dream I can hang on to is making our one room comfortable and organized. 

The dream I can hang on to is making those entrusted to my care comfortable, happy, and secure.  That would be a great accomplishment.  It isn't a grandiose dream but an important one and one I hope someone someday will dream that dream with me in mind. 

In all of this I discovered that dreams don't have to be big just very important to the person dreaming and they can be accomplished.

Thanks, Patrick, I needed to realize again what I am doing is extremely important to me and those I love.

Peace! <happy smile>


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said! ... Now I on the other hand ENVY teachers. 40 years of teaching would be more than a dream to me, that would be a fantasy. <grin> ... I loved that you took the entry to the next level.