Thursday, October 26, 2006

Between the two of us (mother and I) I have completely lost track of the week! LOL

Funeral on Monday, Legal paper work out of town on Tuesday, More legal stuff yesterday, and today planned spontaneity.  That means that Jack and I decided to go out for lunch today.  About a 20 mile drive.  We can't say anything to Mother about this till about an hour before, because she really gets in high gear and is READY to go!

 This is a "culture shock" country restaurant. complete with flies but very clean otherwise.  Flies are a commodity that the federal government has yet to tax!   In the country with all the animals, etc., nature produced an abundance of flying things.

It is also Schwan's Day!  Yea for good stuff.  We can't find good steak at the markets here.  The public demand a much lesser quality of meat cuts.  I ask for some good cuts the other day and they told me no way.  They didn't get them so offered something else.  I bought it, and had to make stew out of that steak.   We eat beef seldom, but we want something of quality when we have steak.

Mother also likes Schwan's fish, biscuits, fresh frozen veggies (instead of the canned stuff), and most anything we buy! lOl This food service is so helpful here in the middle of "nowhere"!

I finding more and more places that are not wheelchair accessible.  When reminded that it is a federal regulation.  They respond   "So What!"  Guess they figure the responding agencies could not find them anyway.

I have been observing a farm implement store for a while, someone told me they had school flags.  Well, I stopped and was absolutely amazed!  It was the most gorgeous gift shop with upscale items that I have seen in the whole area!  The farmer items like gloves, tools, boots,etc., were all shoved over to one wall, and the rest of the store ( which was once a farm implement store) is beautiful gift items.  The Christmas Open House is Friday.  Right on schedule before Halloween.  FARMER'S WIFE POWER!

Well, Mother got up at 4 and went after the paper.  She said it was time.....I asked why?  "Because it was there!"  She has a cup of coffee with me and went back to bed and obviously went to sleep because it is almost 8 and she is not up!  

The cats are fed!...........The trash is out!......... A beautiful way to start the day!



Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued as to what Schwan day is.  I know the feeling of losing days :) smiling at your Mum, she's a dear. Rache

Anonymous said...

 Schwan's day is the day the Schwan's truck comes by.  I order on line at and they deliver on the next delivery day!  About every two weeks.