Monday, October 2, 2006

Sometimes I wonder where the days go

Did a little extra cooking today and took dinner to a family across town who have a very ill family member.  This is the nice thing about small towns.  You know your neighbors and sometimes you can made a little difference.

Didn't accomplish much today but am learning it isn't necessary to  build Rome in a day!

We ordered Jack a new dual motor electric lift chair last Thursday.  His has been fritzy a couple of times in the last 10 days.  It is time for a new one, and then he can have a chair and a spare!  This will make three but that doesn't seem to be a problem.  I can have one to sleep in! lol

It is warm again and we would like the return of the cool days and nights.  But will have to wait I guess till Mother Nature gets in the mood!

The tech to install my new  computer will be here tonight or  one night this week.  I am anxious for a computer that is reliable.  Like the chair we know that it is time to replace the communication tools.   I thought that the computer would be a great thing for Jack to enjoy also but it bothers his eyes and especially the games quickly makes him uncomfortable.

Entertainment here is limited: highschool ballgames seem to be the number one event here but you have to drive a hour and a half usually to see a game away from home.  The parents  seem to be very supportive and go to most of the games.

I am looking forward to Trick or Treat----hope we have some wee visitors.

Peace in the country and especially small towns.




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