Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday.........busy as usual.

We all went for our flu shots and Jack has a visit with the doctor.  Doctor was reluctant to think the chest pains were heart.......more likely indigestion.  He was very thorough and I am feeling much less worried.

Mother thought flu shot was another social event, lots of people came over to visit with her at the doctor's waiting room, and the shot was so quick, she had a nice morning! LOL

Did more legal clean up today, we had some minor errors on last week's work.

The afternoon as been lazy.  Since we got up again at 4!  Mother's inside clock isn't changed yet to the time change!  We enjoyed some afternooon rest.  Early hours are nice if you get to sleep through the night.  No plans for tomorrow, maybe another pleasant day.  (smiles)

HALLOWEEN!  Looking forward to giving out treats!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad Jack has seen the Doctor.  I like how you make social occassions from things that are a little unpleasant........everyone has a long face when they give our flu jabs out. Rache