Friday, June 25, 2010

A Shower to cool the air........and make lots of humidity!

Well, we received a welcome shower last night but the counter part is lots of humidity. When the nights are 80 what do you expect during the day?

Yesterday was not a good day for Jack. He had chest pains and his legs were so painful as well. The nurses finally told him that he could expect the pain as part of the disease and they would help as much as they could with medication. The chest pains seemed to be indigestion and when I alerted the nurses they took care of that. Jack doesn't want to be a complainer so he won't say anything when he is in discomfort. He lets me do that! LOL In fact he felt so bad he ate very little lunch but in the evening they brought him his evening meal and he was looking forward to it when he gave me the 5 o'clock call.

Days are difficult. I find that sometimes it is just hard to go to the nursing home. I know I will find problems, discomforts, and in general life breaking down. I understand why many don't go, although the visits are so looked forward to by the patients. The smells, the pain, the constant reminders that life is so out of their control. Some of us who are there everyday become hardened to the obvious and just look into the eyes and try to make smiles. I do lots of back rubs. One lady said, "She always rubs my back when she goes by and it feels good." I also give a prayer in that touch that the day will go well for that lady. Jack wants lots of keep him reassured that I love him. Sometimes their situations are not very lovable but the patients stay as lovable as ever.

I do a bible study every week,sometimes I forget to sign this week. I must do that! We have been trying to do a little craft project with the bible study. We made pots of flowers when we studied about the potter and the clay. This past week we decorated flyswatters when we talked about swatting the "flies" that annoy our daily walks with the Lord and with others. I found some bibles at a thrift shop.......many come to the facility straight from the hospital with few or no possessions.
The bibles are already finding homes. It helps to really know these people, and find ways to reach out to them. If I can inspire them for a few minutes every week, that is great. We average from 12 to 14 and that will grow I hope.

I have been going to an exercise class. Yesterday, I gave up early after 45 minutes of constant movement in a hot room, I decided I had reached my limit. We have a fan but it is just not enough to keep the air moving and do any cooling. I went right to the grocery store which I knew would be cold, and soon felt better. The heat and humidity are really wearing us down and summer has just begun! lol

Blessings on all of you........caregiving is a big responsibility. Mine has shifted somewhat but I still am constantly involved with my husband everyday.......usually twice or more depending on the activities of the day. The facility is 10 miles away but sometimes I just have to go back again! smiles No one knows the weight on the shoulders until they carry the load!

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