Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hee hee when you make a mistake.....go big time!

I have made so many mistakes this week that I am probable the queen of error!

Couldn't sign into this blog..........then when I did I found two and didn't know which was of those days when it was easier to create a new blog that argue with a computer! Well I hope I have the right entry!

I am off the continue to build a wider life........hopefully not physically. A neighbor asked me to go to an exercise type of class and I said that would be really is a line dancing class........I have taught line dancing to elementary students but that was YEARS ago! I am calling it an exercise class because that is what it will be for me. Finding things to do to broaden the outlook on my exisitance in this small town is what I am trying to do.

I think I have mentioned somewhere and maybe I need to update my profile.....but I have been in LAY TRAINING and currently fill the position of lay leader in my small town church. My position was important since we have had no minister and Sunday we will again have someone in the pulpit. We have had ministers and lay speakers for the last 4 months and I have not enjoyed the added responsibility as a church leader. But I have learned so much........much I didn't want to know but it was part of the ballgame!

I have started the summer bible study at the nursing home and enjoy it so much because the people are so loving, supportive, and responsive. I guess last year my most talked about study was "What does the Bible say about Cowboys?" That one really had them going. Next Tuesday we are talking about CLAY POTS! I have been approached to take a Sunday afternoon service at least once a month because the present minister wants to branch into additional outreach. Eventhough I have been certified ??? as a lay speaker I am not sure this is something I want to do.

Time and the Spirit will tell me I hope........anyway Jack is about the same....he will see a doctor today and will get an update on his medication,etc. Yesterday I went to a restaurant and ordered two big taco salads for our lunch, we do take out often. Well was I glad I had made that decision because turkey casserole and squash with barely done rolls was on the menu. Jack told me that he had made up his mind to not complain but just eat whatever they put in front of him or just not eat. But when I mentioned the salad he was delighted. We both ate every scrap and enjoy the mutual company! Most of the residents had gone on a field trip to a local museum and we were mostly alone and it was a fun time.

Tomorrow I will tell about the latest orphans that I have taken in!

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