Sunday, March 1, 2009

Caregiving in a care facility

My husband entered a care facility on Friday. Friends and neighbors helped move his personal furniture to the facility. Electric lift chair which he lives in (sleeps as well). Wheel chair, power chair, potty chair, things we thought he would want/need. This was not easy because as I find each day there are the little things that we take for granted to be at our finger tips at home.... are not there somewhere else. Well it has taken a couple of days but most wants are there. I am not lonesome here alone.....because I have been here so little of the time. Helping to transfer has really been a big time consumer on the road and at the facility.

Jack's daughter will arrive tomorrow and I hope her being with him all day will help me have time to do some things that have been pending for quite a while, like income tax, Mom's estate, my stepfather's estate, etc., etc., etc.

This is a difficult time for both of us. Thanks for your comments and encouragements.


Unknown said...

Sue, having walked this walk please never hesitate to contact me. You KNOW Jack is safer and as you well pointed out you will be buried catching up on the never ending paperwork of caregiving for a while. And I suspect like myself you will be a 'regular' at Jack's facility. Likely be as busy as ever.

Our best to you and Jack.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Sage Ravenwood said...

You continue to be in my thoughts dear friend. I agree with Patrick, I think you will be just as much a fixture as anything there with Jack. (Hugs)Indigo