Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday morning!!

                                                                                                 Washing machine is on the fritz..must call this morning!

Jack's prescription for nitro tablets needs to be renewed (only fresh for 6 months!)

Need to  make appointment for Jack--pain pills run out this week!

Need to call for car appointment--regular service and recall notice letter!

Need to call for computer installer!

Need to wash car!

Part of the lawn still needs to have some fresh mowing done!

Gardener will come this week to mow the other three places that mother owns in this town! (gardener is nephew who mows and then expects lunch! lol)

Need to water, strong winds dried out a lot of the flower beds.

Need to take care of me, too! lol



Anonymous said...

yep, you do need to take care of yourself. Lots of things you need to take care of; hope the list gets dwindled down through the day


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a "to do" list to start the week. I notice YOU are at the bottom. Not the way it is 'supposed' to be, but I certainly understand.