Monday, August 3, 2009


Sounds like I am shouting. Well, perhaps that is the way I feel. Things are not going well, and I am relying more and more on those who have been through this experience with Parkinson's.

Stages come and go and I keep stumbling over the remains of each day. I understand more about my mother and how she strugged to just get up and go though the basics of sunrise to sunset. I keep looking for something to really replace thinking. I loved the casino with Jack but can't take him now and it is too expensive for regular therapy! lol

He asked for a comfortable rocking chair in his room for me and I find I can take a book to read and fall to sleep quickly. But for Jack that isn't much fun watching me sleep, he says at least I am there with him. I have missed one day since he entered in February and that was because of the flu that I caught right there in the home.

Keep my in your prayers....for us it is just one day at a time.


DB said...

I am glad you are still here.

May your struggles ease and finally go away.


Unknown said...

Please know that we all who care about you both are also still here!

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick