Tuesday, July 29, 2008


RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN.............it had been so long since we had a shower that I walked around in it and did all the things I could think of to stay out in the rain.

The baby kitties and some of the older felines were quite upset because of that wet stuff messing up their hair.......but it only made mine curly!

It isn't much cooler and it is humid.....but who is complaining!  Peace!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kitties in the park!

Someone asked about the kitties........You would not believe the numbers!  We have had two big fires in the neighborhood and the kitties have relocated to our area.  We still have those who come from blocks around to eat and drink fresh water and lay in the cool grass!

I don't count anymore I just put lots of dry food and fresh water.   The babies get a cold milk coctail hour about 4 in the afternoon! Of course the mothers always join in also.

This is the year of the calicos.   We have several now and have lost several this year.  Some of the kitties have been sick. The vet says it is an upper respiritory infection and they get matted eyes and runny noses and some survive and some do not.  I am always bringing in a little one to wash out their eyes with warm water.... used peroxide for a while but it must have really hurt some so just use warm water.  They hate that bad enough!

This past week all the babies and their mothers disappeared for several days.   The mothers would come in and eat and lay in the shade and appear to look for their babies.   I was sure someone came and picked them up or a preditor have gotten them like the big hawks they sit on the highline wires by our house.

Well Thursday mothers and babies all returned hungry and seemingly all present.  Geesh! I thought I have been rescued from the cats!  Guess they couldn't find shelter, food, and water where they went. 

Jack went out on a yard cruise tonight and he had great fun with the cats.   They are a bit in awe of the motorised chair!   We had two males neutered this spring.   The vet did lasier work and they did wonderful...and these two come in to be fed.  One is a bit shy the other stays in for hours on the cool tile floor or taking over my chair.

We have all sizes, colors, tigers, calicos, beautiful markings, long and short hair, and all have great personalities....JUST NEED HOMES!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Guilt free fun

Jack and I are learning to have fun without the guilt of Mother's care. 

 She is well cared for and seems very happy in the facility where she lives now.   I go almost every day unless Jack needs me more because I am his care facility.

We have been having more "fun" days and trips out of the house.  This is very good for both of us. 

Just this week: We picked out new carpet and scheduled measuring,etc.

Went to three different casinos.  I didn't win but it was great therapy.

We had the car serviced..certainly overdue.

    We are learning.........


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A quiet night.........

Monday night the power went off again.  No storm or wind problems so we expected it to come on quickly.  Eight hours later it did.

We had not used the generator yet and I didn't know just how to operate it. The neighbor who set it up lives in the country and didn't have the power failure so I didn't want to disturb them since they have early morning obligations as well.

When it finally got so hot that Jack began to have pain we  pulled out the van and  drove around the country side, to a neighboring town with lots of lights, and just around town.  The wind finally seemed to start a breeze so we came back to the house.  But being Oklahoma weather the breeze disappeared so with a wet towel and a big old fashioned  hand held fan we made it till the breeze finally came back with cooling temps.

With only two hours sleep Tuesday was slow starting and slow all day.   Nurse came at noon and the rest of the day was nap time..LOL  Last night was a quiet night thank goodness with more rest...which I am craving a lot of lately.   Friends say this is part of the recovery time, that I was more exhausted that I realized.   Went to see Mom and she was napping so I decided that was the best idea.  

It is so hot and dry here that the flowers are toasted. The water bill was outragious so am cutting back. 


Monday, July 7, 2008

It takes a community.........

Fourth of July in a small community takes on various forms.   Cities nearby offer concerts, festivals, and fireworks on a grand scale.  But in a small community where money is scarce it is stay at home, bar-be-que in the backyard, or join with neihghbors to shoot off fireworks.

In this small community the only church offered free food, games, and fireworks.  This was the first time that the church had tried a community picnic on this large scale.   The announcement was put in several papers (mostly the free handout kind). 

 The results were amazing for a first effort to pull a community together for a family fun night.  The word FREE caught the eye of some of course, the fact that it was close at home, and a family event made it important to others.  The results were families with at least three generations  in the groups put their lawn chairs out, ate, drank sodas, and chatted.  The fireworks were donated by a man who owned a stand last year.... he just gave them to the fire department here, and the church bought some as well. 

The last cars were leaving about 11 or so.  Friends sat on our front porch across from the church.  It was a good evening. Lots of games for the kids, lots of talk for the adults, food and drink for everyone, and a great fireworks display.  Of course there were two firemen in attendance with a fire truck and a paramedic as well. 

The general conclusion was "let's do this again next year."