Monday, June 22, 2009

A busy week..............

Today is fairly open..............Tuesday Bible Study (lead by me) Wednesday take Jack to neurologist and Bible Study in evening, Thursday Audit committee meets to "do" the church's books...Friday take Jack to Wound Clinic (hopefully this is the last visit) When wounds are both completely healed......Dr.Lee says Jack can take a has been 7 months!!!

Living alone these last 4 months have brought some changes. I am certainly more careful about things that could end in an climbing ladders. I carry my cell phone in my pocket and sleep with it. I panic when the phone rings. And I am not as neat and tidy as I thought I might be if I lived alone....thinking oh well who will notice but me and the four legged felines.

And I really am trying to learn to stay at home.........this house is so cold emotionally and lonely that I rush around in the morning to get out and go to the nursing facility and then to do anything that is on my "list" of needs to do. I need to learn to stay here and really do some things about cleaning out closets and emptying out drawers of stuff.

Well, it is almost 7 and I am hurrying to get out of the house....will I ever change?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

When part of you is missing................

Created a long blog.......and accidentally hit the wrong key!
Oh well, you only need to know that things change and life changes and yet it is the same.

The Parkinsons progresses....Jack isn't happy in the facility but he is better with the care and the environmental advantages.

I am lonely just like Jack, this isn't easy for either of us.

Those of you who have experienced this understand......those of you who have not as yet.......will some day understand. And yet I hope you do not have to suffer this kind of separation.

The Fourth of July approaches.... HAVE A BLAST!