Years of accumulation seems to grow not deminish.
The storage room and all the debris seems to be getting undercontrol. The workmen have finished, the carpet is laid, the paint dry, and all the stuff back in the room off my patio, but a big give away or sale is definately in the near future.
The next big change is starting today. Sometime back I talked with someone about Jack's music and entertainment equipment. Thinking some young person might like it to start a career. But last night we found a man who is doing the exact same thing that Jack was doing and needs some of the stuff we have. There is a God out there organizing this much better than we are. He is supposed to come today and look at sound tracts, he can burn these onto disc for his work. I don't know if he can use any of it, but it is starting the change over. This is highly depressing for Jack but knowing it is going to someone who did what he did is helpful right now.
My mother is doing something similar, going through clothing, etc of my step-father who passed recently. We can't move till she makes room for we all have our jobs. We have also been going through pictures and discarding some that no one else could understand or appreciate. School pictures from 40 years of teaching, travel pictures of trees and mountains and strange roadsides. LOL This still an emotional task!
Each day is a change and a new step in our future.